As per the Psara act 160 hours(100 hours theory and 60 hours practical) of training is mandatory for all guarding personnel. The training is carried as physical training and classroom sessions packaged into the residential training program. The curriculum followed is as prescribed by the Psara Act. Uniq has its training centre at Vijayanagar in Bangalore which accommodates about 40 residential trainees in a batch. The training curriculum also includes structured yoga classes which help enhance the concentration span of the trainees and help increase the focus on the subject matter

about us

Our History

Our Team

Management Board

Mr. Cristifan David

Mr. Cristifan David

General Manager

Team Detail

Mr. Arnold David

Mr. Arnold David

General Manager

Team Detail

Mr. Rnalod Arone

Mr. Rnalod Arone

General Manager

Team Detail


Operate Locations
